Iemme Inform

Video surveillance & Privacy 2016: free training Bari, February 19th

Martedì 12 Gennaio 2016

The new Privacy Regulation: educate today to not miss the business opportunities and reduce problems

With the new European Regulation, the actual regulatory framework related the privacy will be modified. The new rules will more closely concern the security field, especially the video-surveillance, where, unfortunately, today always more frequently installations are stopped with consequences for the users. The new regulation offers new business opportunities to whom project and installs CCTV systems.

Take the opportunity of a free training about, during the road show that will be in BARI on February 19th.

At the end of the course is possible to get the certification valid for the knowledge upgrade according to the TUV Italia's scheme for the "Privacy Officer and Privacy Consultant" (n. 3 credits)

Free registration from this link  -  

Download here the flyer related Road Show  with the full programme.