Iemme Inform

Smart connected House: MARSS’ offer for a smart home

Mercoledì 12 Novembre 2014

At Security 2014 makes its debut the new MARSS IP & Security, that was born by the recent merger between MARSS srl and IEMME srl, historical distributor of security and technology partner of the big brands in the industry.

Central focus of our offering is the IP Controller system. It consists of a series of stand-alone modules based on TCP / IP technology that exploiting the potential of CLOUDMARSS, offers interesting solutions for Home&Building Automation, Access Control, Remote Management and Video management. All in a simple and effective way and, above all, preserving the existing installations in a building.

Why the IP Controller?

An increase in the demand for Home Automation has been reported in the last years, which often results in the simple need to switch on/off and to remote control of some equipment and devices within a building (boilers, lights, alarms, door opening ....). Everything and always in simple and immediate way.

The IP Controller satisfies this requirement and allows the intelligent management of any installed system and device, also physically distant, in order to get energy saving, low environmental impact, physical and personal safety, without the need for complex and expensive systems.

How does the IP Controller work?

The IP Controller is simple to be used: the user management is done via smartphones and tablets thanks to the APP “IP Controller (free for iOS and Android), with graphic user interface, fully customizable and of “touch type”. At any change in the status of the installation and devices managed, the system sends the Push Notifications, with the details related the events detected.

It’s now available the new centralization software “Libero" that enables the centralized management, via the web, up to 25 IP Controller modules at the same time. It allows advanced solutions for centralization, where there are complex buildings and /or geographically distances.

The IP Controller is simple in installation and programming:  it is installed as a common sensor, does not require complicated programming and has many of the qualities of a plug & play system.

Thanks to MARSSCLOUD do not need any port-forwarding on the router, and you can remotely manage the system, even with connections No Public IP (eg. Mobile operators with NAT IP) and Dynamic IP. Again, thanks to CLOUD technology, the module’s programming resides on the server CLOUD, so the maintenance is much easier. Registering your IP Controller at www., the user can monitor the status for the connection and change, in a simple and intuitive way, the connection values

The Italian design, the attention to detail, makes the system suitable for any installation environment. The modules are available in two different versions: din-rail and tampered box. The case, designed primarily for residential installation, has compact dimensions and shapes, and a quality finishing that add value to the installation.

The IP Controller is an open system, extensible in space and time, and can be verticalized, without  modifying any installation or pre-existing structure and, not least, it is cheap and affordable for everyone.

On our website contains a selection of Case Studies related to IP Controller


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