Iemme Inform
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Monday 29 July 2019
Fire system: new technical rule for camping and turistic villages
Novità per la regola tecnica antincendio per campeggi e villaggi turistici. È quanto dispone il decreto del...
Friday 24 May 2019
News about videosurveillance at work
E' sempre necessaria l'autorizzazione del Ispettorato Territoriale del Lavoro (ITL) per poter installare sistemi di...
Thursday 21 March 2019
Geze automation doors: all the 2019 news with the new catalogs
MARSS presenta i nuovi Cataloghi GEZE 2019  Aziende leader a livello internazionale per lo sviluppo e la produzione di sistemi...
Monday 18 February 2019
Bonus ristrutturazioni 2019: ecco le detrazioni per chi installa impianti videosorveglianza e antifurto
Legge di Bilancio 2019 ha prorogato fino al 31 dicembre 2019 ecobonus, bonus casa e bonus mobili senza novità rilevanti rispetto...
Friday 27 July 2018
VES system certifiate EN54
La filosofia di un impianto Diffusione Sonora per Evacuazione  è quella di far pervenire, alla zona interessata o a tutto...
Monday 4 June 2018
The Smart Plug help to reduce the consumptions and to improve the performance of the devices installed in a building
Le Smart Plug (in italiano prese intelligenti) sono prese da muro con all’interno un dispositivo...
Thursday 24 May 2018
GDPR - Privacy Policy Upgrade
May 25, 2018  the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)  is adopted   In order to be compelled to the...
Friday 23 February 2018
Geze automatic sliding doors systems
The automatic door systems from GEZE open up an almost unlimited range of door design options. Daily, millions of people enjoy their...
Wednesday 3 January 2018
CCTV system in working place: no impediment if activable when the alarm is inserted
L’Ispettorato Nazionale del Lavoro (INL), a seguito di numerose istanze ricevute da parte di imprese che intendono procedere...
Friday 3 February 2017
EVAC: vocal evacuation system
Wednesday 4 January 2017
2017 building renovation bonus to buy and install security and CCTV systems
Fino al 31 dicembre 2017 sarà ancora possibile detrarre dall'IRPEF il 50% delle spese sostenute per ristrutturare la...
Wednesday 30 November 2016
IP Dialler, Building automation, Access controll: all in an APP
The IP Controller modules by MARSS allow the smart management of any installations and/or devices...
Monday 19 September 2016
Stand-alone access control system, ACS series, with proximity reader integrated
The access control system ACS series by MARSS, it's composed by two differente models of stand-alone reader that can manage up...
Monday 1 August 2016
Electronic Lock over plastic optical fiber
As part of Marss' M-Fiber line, Lucchetto Elettronico is a stand-alone anti-theft system over Plastic Optical Fiber, to protect any...
Friday 29 July 2016
MARSS NETWORKING: flexible and efficient connectivity solutions, for any installations
Una proposta completa nell’ambito della connettività, caratterizzata da soluzioni di tipo plug&play, che assicurano...
Monday 22 February 2016
The Italian crimes roadmaps by Istat
Per il 2014 — ultimo anno per cui sono disponibili informazioni — i dati indicano che Milano è di gran lunga la...
Monday 14 December 2015
M-Fiber Plastic Optical Fiber
Cos'è la Fibra Ottica Plastica La Fibra Ottica Plastica (Plastic Optical Fibre - POF) è un cavo...
Monday 14 September 2015
New HDMI professioanl cables: full HD, 3D, ethernet 1.4pv
New professional HDMI Cables, IPH series, gold connector Ideal application for  TV, Decoder,  Audio System, Console,...
Tuesday 1 September 2015
Mutiroom audio system for all environment
Sono in aumento per i progettista ed installatori elettrici le richieste di studio e/o fornitura di impianti di diffusione sonora,...
Tuesday 7 July 2015
3x2 IP Controller Promo. Only in July, you get 1 for free!
The IP Controller promo is finally starting. Marss' home&building automation at specil conditions! Terms of the...
Friday 8 May 2015
Splitter Extender HDMI 2x6, to split and extend the audio/video signal up to 60 mt., with a product only
IPH-SE206 is two products in one: a splitter to connect 2  HD signals sources (settable by IR remote control) with 6 HD...
Thursday 12 March 2015
Problem with the private IP no public? The Routerboard model IPV-4084V is the solution
Even more the mobile operator, as in Italy TIM, H3G, Wind, ... provide connections with private IP, not public, with consequent problems...
Friday 30 January 2015
Long distance 8 Ports PoE: up to 200 meteres
IPM-5208P is a PoE cabling solution to manage distances up to 200 mt. without the use of other devices.  It's suitable for...
Monday 19 January 2015
New line of HDMI Splitter with 2, 4 and 8 outputs
HDMI is a standard interface to transmit the no-compressed audio and video data between multimedia devices. MARSS' HDMI splitter,...
Thursday 30 October 2014
MARSS opens in Lecce a new branch
Tuesday 10 June 2014
Domotica e Impianti tradizionali: connubio possibile
There has been, in recent years, an increase in the demand for Home Automation, which often translates into the simple need to turn on,...